Friday, January 25, 2008

I hate grocery shopping

Ask me what my least favorite chore is. Go ahead. Ask. The truth is I hate grocery shopping. I will wash and fold 10 loads of laundry (putting the laundry away doesn't count - that's my second-least-favorite chore). I will scrub bathrooms. I will wash dishes. But please please please don't make me go to the grocery store...

I don't even know why I dislike it so much. Moving to a big city away from my home town should have helped. Now I can go to the store in my sweats with no makeup and bad hair and no one will know me so they don't care. In the town I grew up in, I would know every other person and it was a nightmare. So, moving three years ago should have improved my attitude on grocery shopping. It didn't.

Then I get this enewsletter from Kraft saying they have a "One Bag, Five Dinners" solution...I was interested.

The basic concept is that you buy a short list of ingredients (all available on a handy-dandy print out and, of course, mostly Kraft brands) and you take the list to the store - you get a week's worth of easy-to-prepare semi-healthy meals with only 10 minutes of shopping and a few ingredients. For example, instead of two different recipes requiring two different dressings as ingredients, BOTH recipes use the SAME dressing, reducing the number of items bought and saving precious fridge space (SCORE!) Pure genius!

My conclusion: This is great!!! Listen up grocery stores - you should follow suit and do this one your own - just gather the ingredients and have the bags available BY THE CHECKOUT. Then market the heck out of it. I'm by no means rich, but both my husband and I work outside the home and time savers are often worth the added expense. I would pay a premium or surcharge for them to do this for me! Peapod an other grocers don't deliver to my house (shame, shame). I wish they did. But they don't. So help me out - after a long workday of 10 hours away from my little man (and my big man) I just want to BE WITH HIM - not at your store. Pre-bagged stuff would make my life easy. I beg you. Listen and help.

Remember, you heard it here first.

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