Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You'll give me how much?

I have one child. One. A boy. He's pretty easy. So far.
Of course, I have friends and relatives who have more than one.

Two seems do-able.

Three, you seem to be entering "challenge" territory.
But do I know anyone who has four or more young children? I would have to really think about that.

Then tonight on my commute home listening to the radio I hear that Turkmenistan is offering a one-time cash bonus to families who have lots of kids. Isn't that nice. So, how many kids do you need to have?

Oh....EIGHT or more.


Eight kids!? 8? That's a handful. That's more than the Brady Bunch! Oh, to sweeten the deal the government will not only give you $250 they'll also pay your utility and dental bills and let you ride public transportation for life.

AH! Well, if you put it that way...

Nah. Still not desirable from my standpoint. Throw in a lifetime of our household income, adjusted for inflation, health insurance, mortgage payments for the house I would need to support all those kids, food and clothes, paid vacations at exotic locations for mom and dad, a live-in nanny, butler and maid, and a college education for each child and MAYBE we might be closer to a deal. Maybe.

Disclosure: I had to look up where Turkmenistan is...I don't remember it from fifth grade geography. I don't think it was called that when I was ten. Well, it's north of Iran and Afghanistan.

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